

Let’s talk #TryingToConceive: Your parenthood journey

Pregnancy announcements, gender reveals and magical births are celebrated with great joy – and rightly so – but these wonderful occasions can serve to remind those of us on our own #TryingToConceive journey that we’re not quite there yet. Sound familiar?

If you’re trying to get pregnant then you’re likely to experience a myriad of emotions and each and every one of these feelings is okay. Clearblue, with our help, want to remind you (and others on this journey) that you’re absolutely not alone.

Did you know? Some TTC facts and figures.

Did you know, that for up to 40% of women it takes more time than they expect to get pregnant? So, for every jubilant social post and pregnancy announcement, many of those come after weeks, months or even years of trying.

And, did you know, that 1 in 5 or 20% of couples take more than a year to get pregnant?

A big stat that might be of specific interest if you’re trying to conceive, 1 in 2 (yep 50%) of couples try to conceive on the wrong days? There’s a maximum of six days per cycle when the average woman can conceive and if you miss them, your chances of getting pregnant are almost non-existent.

How can Clearblue help? Clearblue ovulation kits alert you to your most fertile days in every cycle, so you know exactly when to try.

Some #TryingToConceive tips

  1. Have sex at the right time – having sex on the day of ovulation or in one of the 5 days preceding it is the most effective way to get pregnant naturally. The average cycle is 28-days long so ovulation should be around the 14th day of your cycle but for many women the “average” isn’t accurate. Ensure you understand your own cycle when trying to conceive.

  2. Take folic acid – pregnant woman and those trying to conceive are advised to take 400mg of folic acid to prevent neural tube defects.

  3. Look after yourself – When you’re trying to get pregnant it’s more important than ever to take care of yourself – eat well, stay active and avoid smoking.

Will you share your journey with others?

Trying to conceive is, of course, a hugely personal journey but if you’re happy to share, your experiences could be just what someone else needs to keep them going.

Let’s break the taboo around trying to conceive and let others know that they’re not alone. Film your journey and share your results with us. You can record as many videos as you like (from “low” all the way to “peak” fertility) and upload them with us via your own personal drive folder in your member’s area.

Take me to my member’s area

@all: How has Clearblue been helping you in your journey so far?


Eddie.Tyrell • 5 months ago

The tips and the blog have been really helpful and we didnt think at first that it would but just seeing others on a similar journey has really helped us try to stay positive and have hope.

Jade • 5 months ago

I haven't received my starter kit yet

Sophieclark1995 • 4 months ago

This has really helped me stay positive and lets me know the best time to try x

Saurabhh • 2 months ago

a must have product in your household. I can easily recommend this to m friends and family.

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