

Your pals have their say 🧺

Your thoughts, social content and feedback are pouring in, and we’re absolutely delighted to hear about your opinion. The team at Fairy is pleased as punch to know that you love the new range and a little birdie told us that your friends have some really interesting opinions about the Fairy Dream Team too. So, it’s time to let us know what your pals think!

Your IRL conversations

You’ve spread the word far and wide, and were busy talking to your colleagues, sharing the Fairy Outdoorable samples with your family, and loved chattering about all things sensitive skin!

savvy circler Sue-ling shared her samples with her niece who was happy to try out Fairy Dream Team.


savvy circler HomewithMrsO gave a Fairy Outdoorable sample to one of her colleagues who has never used Fairy or Outdoorable before as her partner is allergic. She said she is really looking forward to trying the Fairy Dream Team.


savvy circler Abbie-123 gave her grandma a Fairy Outdoorable sample and she mentioned that after using it her washing smelled amazing!


Answer our quick poll!

Have you spread out all your Fairy Outdoorable samples?

Yes, they’re all gone. It’s time to share the money-off coupons!

461 Votes, 53%

Almost, I still have a few to share with my pals.

257 Votes, 30%

Not yet, I will double the love and share them together with the coupons.

144 Votes, 17%

You might have started receiving your new Fairy Outdoorable and Fairy In-Wash Scent Booster money-off coupons by now. So, if you’ve shared all your samples with your pals, it’s time to spread your coupons too!

Get travelling!

Why not take a little inspiration from your fellow savvy circlers and take a trip to visit friends and family who you think may love the incredible softness and long-lasting freshness of the Fairy Dream Team?

And, once you’re there, be sure to snap pics and share to your social channels with #FairyFreshness #FairyDreamTeam #LaundryDreamTeam #FairyNonBio #savvycircle, and #ad in your caption and tag @SuperSavvyMeOfficial and @JoyOfClean!

Don’t forget to share your social post URLs or screengrabs with us too so we don’t miss them.

Upload my social URL Upload a screenshot

And remember, the best 20 posts will each win a £50 Amazon voucher when the project closes, but you have to be in it to win it! 🍀

@all: What have your friends been saying about the Fairy Dream Team?


LadyBliss • 1 year ago

Even more feedback over the weekend.

Some people saying how soft and fragrant their laundry has been. Total converts :)!
Others saying there is not any discernible difference from the Fairy, or other, products that they have already been using :(!

As throughout the entire project, another mixed bag.

Magenta63 • 1 year ago

Shared the samples with my son, carer and her mother, all of whom were very grateful. My carer already loves Fairy, and was really impressed with the samples and vouchers. Everyone was very grateful and has used them. Lovely scent to the fabric conditioner, but less so once clothes have been tumble dried (which could be the drier tbh). I used the vouchers, and have enough conditioner to last ages. The in wash boosters I am using as an air freshener, as currently have a washer dryer, and they work really well. My porch smells like fresh washing all the time, which is great.

Karrybaldwin77 • 1 year ago

I love the smell it's the best on my skin it doesn't make me itching no more thank you you helped me with my skin thank you

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