

It’s time to shine on Insta!

Are you in love with your new Lenor Outdoorable scent? Are you transported to a cosy log cabin in the woods or a warm, moonlit beach every time you dry your laundry? We want you to share your experiences with #theGreatOutdoorable to socials!

It’s time to shine on Insta!

Thanks savvy circler Tiredmumlife, Lollypops66, Tazmin22, and Savvymom, for these dazzling pics!

Why should I share?

The point of your Insta posts is to tell your friends and followers all about the brand-new Lenor Outdoorable fragrances. Let them know that you’re testing them as part of this savvy circle project and that the fragrances are new to the market. Your pals will want to know whether you love Lenor Outdoorable and if it’s something they should try!

Take me to Instagram

What should I share?

If you’re not sure what to share then fear not, we’re hear with some ideas for lovely social content.

  1. Share a stylish snap

    Are you a budding photographer? Do you always know how to get the lighting, angle and composition right? Then share a still image of your Lenor Outdoorable bottle to Insta. You could try:

    📸 A flatlay shot from above

    👔 Your beautifully arranged clean laundry with your Lenor Outdoorable bottle proudly in front

    🧺 Your stylish laundry room with Outdoorable the star of show

  2. Upload a carousel

    Too many gorgeous photos to choose from? Why not upload them all as part of a Lenor Outdoorable carousel of images?

  3. Create a reel

    If you have a creative spark then why not create #theGreatOutdoorable Reel? You could even use the new “Dual” feature and show us both your Lenor Outdoorable bottle along with a commentary of why you love it! Or share a how-to video to let newcomers know how easy Lenor Outdoorable is to use.

We know that you’re a super creative bunch and we’re so excited to see what you share on Insta. Don’t forget to always use #ad #theGreatOutdoorable #LenorOutdoorable #savvycircle tag @supersavvymeofficial

And once you’ve shared, upload your social share URLs and screenshots to us.

@all: What are your sharing to Instagram? Your ideas could inspire the rest of the project team!


GeorgiaLillis • Team Moonlight Lily 1 year ago

Lenor is always my go to brand to keep my washing smelling super fresh, and I usually use gold orchid. But I am loving the new scents. I got to try moonlight Lily and I’m just loving everything about it, the extra freshness without needing to dry the washing outside is a winner for me especially as we start to enter colder months this will now be my go to product!

AlisonBurnsy • Team Moonlight Lily 1 year ago

I'm so impressed with the scent of the Moonlight Lilly, super fresh super soft, and super clean! I'm converted for sure, love how i can now dry my clothes indoors with the same fresh scent!

Rowson • 1 year ago

Love to try I love lenor condition Heidi rowson ❤

Taylorgillman • Team Northern Solstice 1 year ago

I tried to show how beautiful the packaging was and how floral it is!

elaine77 • Team Moonlight Lily 1 year ago

Im absolutely loving the moonlight lily fabric conditioner from lenor from the beautiful scent to the softness and freshness it brings to my clothes and washing

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