

You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers!

Hope you’ve got your leaflets, and your plans are already afoot. Let’s take a little time while we’re waiting for our friends to arrive, and refresh our IPL knowledge – so we can demonstrate like expert Braun IPL ambassadors!

Here’s just a few of the common questions about the Braun IPL – and the definitive answers:

Light or laser? Light!

Contrary to popular belief, IPL stands for light, not laser. Offering the most effective method for long-lasting hair removal at home, IPL is similar to salon treatments that tackle hair at the root. Light beams are absorbed by the hair follicle pigment, and repeated use helps to stop hair regrowing – delivering visible results.

Woman using IPL on leg. Visible results in 3 weeks*

Is it effective?

For a year of hair reduction, persistence is key. Following the treatment schedule, you can see visible results in 3 weeks.* Even if you find your hair grows back after repeated treatments, it will still grow back at a significantly slower rate - leaving you with salon-soft skin which will last for weeks.

TIP: Tell your friends how long it took for you to notice results, how much time you save, and how often you repeat sessions. ⏱

Are IPL devices expensive, and do they need a lot of maintenance?

Using IPL at home means you only pay once to reduce hair across as many areas of the body as you want. While multiple trips to the salon can get expensive, you can save in the long run by using the Braun Silk-expert Pro 5. There’s no need for replacement lamps or lotions – and best of all, its 400,000 flashes deliver the equivalent of 22 years of full body treatments – so you save more and more as time goes by!

TIP: Run the numbers together and count how much time you’d spend on salon/waxing over 22 years. How does it compare to the price of the Braun IPL? 💰

Automatically adapts power to your skin tone

Does IPL hurt?

You’d think that IPL isn’t a pain-free method of hair removal, since it uses beams of light to heat up the hair follicle. But the truth is, you’ll barely feel a thing. The Braun IPL features a range of comfort modes, so you can safely and gently use it across your body. You might feel a light flick during flashes, but never anything close to the pain of waxing or threading.

TIP: Let your friends try the different settings on their arms to see how it feels! 😊

IPL used on bikini line. Suitable even on pubic areas.

Can IPL be safely used around sensitive areas?

It’s important to note that some areas of the body, like the bikini line, may be more sensitive than others, and require a gentler form of hair removal. The Braun Silk-expert Pro 5 IPL has been designed with a range of comfort modes, including an extra-gentle setting especially designed for treating sensitive areas - reducing the chance of ingrown pubic hairs. That said, you should avoid using your IPL directly on extra-sensitive areas such as the genitals, nipples, or anus, as this could cause inflammation.

So that’s it! Hope that’s all your most essential questions answered. Now go forth, spread the good word, and don't forget to upload pictures!

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@all: How much are you saving on salon trips with the Braun IPL?

*When following the treatment schedule. Individual results may vary.


Saurabhh • 2 months ago

a must have product in your household. I can easily recommend this to m friends and family.

Didem • 2 months ago

I wish I can have changed to taste that. Before I bought.

D38813 • 1 month ago

Looks like a.good product. I have tried others on the market but wouldnt work on my skin. I wonder if this would. Spent so much so far looking for something that works.

Noneill1 • 1 month ago

yes I think it's great I had one bought for me Xmas just gone it's so nice to use on my skin and it leaves my legs so soft and silky . I love it

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