Flash Speedmop

Flash Speedmop

Your online posts about Flash Speedmop

Our credible testimonials from testing the new Flash Speedmop and sharing our experiences online can help thousands of women everywhere discover how they can stand up to daily dirt too!

1. Share your #FlashSpeedmop experiences on Social Media

Post on your Social Media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter etc.) your selfies, before and after photos, quick videos and boomerangs while using the Flash Speedmop and share your thoughts with friends and followers.

Remember to mention you're part of this team and use the hashtags for this project, #FlashSpeedmop, #muckypups and #SavvyCircle

2. Copy the URL links

From Facebook (using your smartphone or tablet):

  • Visit your profile and find the post you want to share with us
  • Click "share" and then more options and finally "copy".
  • The actual URL link to your post is now copied, proceed to Step 3.

From Instagram (using your smartphone or tablet):

  • Visit your profile and find the post you want to share with us
  • On the top right corner click on the ellipsis (),
  • Then, click "copy URL"
  • The actual URL link to your post is now copied, proceed to Step 3.

From Twitter (using your smartphone or tablet):

  • Visit your profile and click on the post you want to share with us
  • On the right corner under your post, click on the forth arrow symbol (right after the heart symbol)
  • Click "share tweet via..." and then click "copy link" at the bottom of the page
  • The actual URL link to your post is now copied, proceed to Step 3.

From YouTube (using your smartphone or tablet):

  • Visit your channel and find the video you want to share with us
  • On the right corner under your post, click on the symbol
  • Click "share" and then click "copy link" at the bottom of the page
  • The actual URL link to your post is now copied, proceed to Step 3.

3. Submit the copied URL via online reports

Document your participation in the project, submit the links from your Social Media posts, reviews on review sites and personal blogs. You can even do it through your smartphone:

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